Saturday, 15 September 2012

Titles...with music and VO!


Here's a version of the titles with music and voiceover!  Everything is still work in progress but wanted to share this...really excited :)



  1. You should watch Pegasus Prime and the original one which is Journeyman Project Turbo played by the channels of Orylen and Hafobetao7 and watch the death scenes and screens, and you should put the same death scenes in the journeyman project that you're making, but instead of putting death screens, you should put death videos, after a death video is finished, there will be a black screen with a death note on top, in the middle, it will say new game, restore game, and exit, that's how you should put the deaths in the game you are making.

  2. Cool!! Keep up the good work, I wish I can see this great tribute finish!
