Friday 29 July 2011

Project Update: 29 July 2011

Hello all,

I'm posting to let you know that I am starting a new job in September in IT, and a part of this is I need to complete some exams in my first year in the post.  Therefore, if I'm not at work, I'll more than likely be studying!

I am therefore stepping back from the project, but I would like to ask if anyone would be interested in taking over and co-ordinating the project?  I certainly don't want to see this stop, and will contribute as and when I can, but I can't have the full involvement that I've had up until now.

Please let me know if anyone would like to take the reigns.  If not, the project may have to be put onto the back burner for the forseeable future.




  1. Please don't let this project die. The Journeyman Project: Legacy of time is my favorite adventure game ever. It would be wonderful to play a new adventure. I really encourage all of you to continue for the sake of this almost dead genre of games. PLEASE!!

  2. hmm i don't know if i can do a takeover on this project, pm me

  3. I have no intention of stopping, just need to find more free time. I have some concepts, just need to flesh them out. Project lead is not my strong point though.

  4. I'd be glad to help in any way I can.
